Today’s episode is with Chuck Loftin, a husband, father, and CEO of Loftin Equipment, a family-owned business since 1976. Most notable about Chuck’s interview is his relentless attitude towards growth and his intentional heart towards relationships.
He talks about growing up in a family business and his experience with the obstacle of imposter syndrome. Chuck also details his 5-year vision statement and the clarity that has given him to pursue a deep level of intentionality in his life.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- The constant drive for “more” and what it’s really about under the surface
- How practicing the embracement of pain builds resilience and continuous growth
- Chuck’s 5-year Pursue Whole® Big Vision
And more!
Ways to Connect with Chuck:
If you want to grow your leadership capability by exercising your self-awareness skills regularly, visit to explore our unique coaching program and schedule a free discovery call.